
VMware Cloud Director Log Bundle collection failes

In this article, I am going to guide you how to solve/workaround VMware Cloud Director Log Bundle collection issue.

Due to support tech case i wanted to collect log bundle but it’s failed and i get following error message


ERROR | Failed to collect logs from multiple cells

Checking log files located under /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs.

first i check vmware-vcd-log-collection-agent.log file

 less  vmware-vcd-log-collection-agent.log

its looks fine and the cells detect the commands and creating marker file

checking to be 100% sure that the marker file has been created.

The marker file located in


checking another log file vmware-vcd-log-publisher.log

less vmware-vcd-log-publisher.log

Its become clear that the issue is the time out value. i got same error on all cells.

The time out value pointed me to review the vmware-vcd-support script.

After reviwing the vmware-vcd-support script and it’s pointing me to  another script with is located at same path as vmware-vcd-support script which called vmware-vcd-multi-cell-log-collector

vi ${VCLOUD_HOME}/bin/vmware-vcd-multi-cell-log-collector or vi /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/vmware-vcd-multi-cell-log-collector

Reviewing vmware-vcd-multi-cell-log-collector  and I find the Time out value.  Default time out values is 7 minutes


Default time out value is not enough to collect logs and time out value has to be extended.


Extended the time out value to 15 on all cells

Then run the log collection  command again

I hope this article has been informative. thank you for reading.