
UPDATE NOW greyed out in VCF

In this article, I am going to guide you how to fix the update now greyed now issue in vCloud Foundation. After downloading bundles in VCF and running Pre-checks Upgrade Now greyed out and there is no active task in the UI there is a hidden running task that blocks Upgrade. First, we need to…

vCenter gets disconnected in vCloud Director

In this article, I am going to guide you how to implement workaround to reconnect vCenter in vCloud Director Symptoms 2023-10-19 07:14:02,188 | DEBUG    | pc-activity-pool-24520    | CJob                           | updateFailedJob(com.vmware.ssdc.util.LMException) with locale=null |com.vmware.ssdc.util.LMException: Error caused vCenter Server disconnect     …

Resize vCloud director cells

In this article, I am going to guide you how to resize vCloud director cells from Meduim to Extra Large (VVS) deployment size. According to VMware dokumatation we have to add more CPU, Memory and add two new Application Cells Lets start Disable Organization VDCs. Backup database Change database failover mode to manual by running…